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bicycle helmets

We ride bicycles in the US and have worn bike helmets for years. Are helmets worn in France (specifically Burgundy and Loire)? I'm sure I would feel very odd without one.

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11507 posts

I don't think they are as common, but I am sure for serious bikers they wear them.

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1297 posts

Every place I have ever rented a bike in Europe has offered me a bike helmet. However, I have "borrowed" bikes from b&b's I have stayed at and they did not come with a helmet. Bike helmets are not as common in Europe, and the B&B's just did not have them. I have never felt odd or out of place wearing one, but if you ride in an area where there are mostly locals, you may be the only one that has one on.

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9143 posts

Helmets are not a law in many places, but you can certainly wear a helmet without feeling out of place. In Germany it is a fairly high percent. Not sure about France. I think I would want to wear one, riding in a country that I wasn't sure about. After all, it is your life, why would you want to change something that you know helps protect you from injury just because all the others aren't doing it. Wear it and be happy.

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4132 posts

I spent 8 days cycling in Burgundy. You could tell the tourists (like me) because we wore helmets. I'm sure some French cyclists must use them but most do not.

I'm like you--very used to wearing one and would feel funny without. (And no one is going to confuse me with the Tour de France no matter how I dress.)

I brought my helmet but rented bikes and the two rental shops I used both offered helmet rentals (for a fee).

I hope that helps you make up your minds. I know what I would do because it's what I did.

Posted by
149 posts

My husband and I wore our helmets throughout our three-week cycling trip in Europe. In Belgium and the Netherlands we rarely saw others with helmets. In France and Germany there were many more. If anything, looking like a foreigner added to the number of people who smiled, waved, or struck up conversations with us.

Posted by
324 posts

In Spain, helmet wearers are clearly the minority, but who cares? I wear a helmet as a personal choice, and respect that others chose not to do the same.

If you don't want to bring your helmet with you, you can purchase a quality helmet (Bell or similar) for €35 or so (look for the large chain sporting goods store Decathlon).

I've biked all over France, Spain and Portugal, and by far France is the most tolerant, pro-bicycle country I've encountered. Have a great time, take care of yourself, and let others worry about their own heads.

Posted by
506 posts

We are all sick in the head here and ride on the streets in Paris without a helmet.

The truth is - drivers are used to cyclists (beyond Tour de France) and pedestrians - so their awareness is vastly different than in the states.

Posted by
223 posts


I am a retired special education teacher who has worked with a number of people with traumatic brain injury. Wear your helmet!