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Best way to travel between Seville and Barcelona?

We're planning to fly into Madrid. Train to Seville and then fly between Seville and Barcelona. Any tips on the locations of airports in Seville and Barcelona? Preferred airline? Other tips or advice? Thanks!

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9 posts

It's really easy to get from the Barcelona airport into the city on the Aerobus. There are many buses per hour, and it stops at several locations in the central city.
We flew from Granada to Barcelona, on Iberia's regional airline. Found the flight on Kayak. It was only $89 for the one way flight.

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513 posts

I have done this trip a couple of times by AVE train. It is a very comfortable trip, and, if you advance purchase your tickets it is a very inexpensive one. It is hard to beat the advantage of travelling from one intercity location to another without the hassle of getting out of town to the airport.