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Best way to get from Vienna to Munich?

We will be travelling from Vienna to Munich on December 1 to catch a plane back to the US. What is the best way to go? Plane fare seems very expensive, except for Air Berlin, which has high extra baggage fees. Is it better to take the train with luggage or drive? Thanks for any help.

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5678 posts

I would take the train. It's an easy trip. No worries about ice or snow. If you search you'll find that there are some posts about getting from the hauptbanhof to the airport. Pam

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2 posts

Thank you. We were a little concerned about taking the train with luggage, but I think not having to worry about ice and snow more than outweighs the luggage issue.

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8700 posts

There is a very high fee for picking up a rental car in one country and dropping it off in another.

Take the train. If you book well in advance (up to 90 days allowed) at, you can get a Europa-Spezial Österreich fare as low as €29.