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Best way to get from Interlaken to Prague fast

Hi, Family of four, two adults & two teens going for a week in the Swiss Alps, then want to get to Prague for a week with friends there. Is flying from Zurich on a regional airline cheaper and quicker then by train? Also,we are on a budget and want to do several day trips in Prague area-should we plan to rent a car or use public transport? All this is to take place second halpf of June 2010. Our first trip to Europe too!

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4637 posts

If you are comfortable driving in unfamiliar places and want to cover a lot of ground and see more than two places outside Prague then I recommend renting a car. However driving and parking in Prague is a hassle. You can get anywhere by train or bus it only takes little longer.

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19159 posts

I think the best rail route from Interlaken to Prague is via Munich. There are some 6½ connections, Interlaken to Munich, for which you can get €39 pP Europa-Spezial Schweiz fares. Those connections include a direct EC connection, Zürich to Munich.

The fastest route from Munich to Prague is actually 6 hrs via regional train through Furth im Wald. For that route, one Bayern-Böhmen ticket for €33 would get all of you to Plzen, where a Czech Rail ticket for about €6 pP would get you the rest of the way to Prague.