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Best time of year/weather for Spain

I'm thinking of a 2-3 week trip to Spain later in 2008, and am looking for the ideal time to go. I don't enjoy traveling in the hottest of the hot months, and generally prefer the shoulder season anyway to avoid the worst crowds. I was thinking about beginning the trip in mid- to late-September, but could adjust that back to the first week of October if that's better. Of course, I realize that Spain is a large country and predicting weather is an inexact science, but was wondering if others here could suggest their favorite time of the year for a trip around Spain. I'm looking to go after the worst of he heat is done, but before the cooler, wetter fall weather arrives (and all that rain in Spain starts to fall mainly on the plain...).

What's your best suggestion for the weather sweat-spot? Thanks.

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6788 posts

Probably central & southern Spain, perhaps the southern half of Portugal, if we can swing it.

We'll skip eastern Spain this trip (been to Barcelona and love it, but not this time). We'll also probably skip northern Spain (Galacia, Asturias, Cantabria, Rioja and the basque country - beautiful places, but probably too far out of the way given our limited time - although I might consider a quickie side trip to Santiago de Compostela). Basically, we're looking at from Madrid south (thus my concerns about the heat).

We're thinking about doing a bit of Portugal on this trip, too (Algarve, Lisbon, and MAYBE as far north as Coimbra).

But overall, we're talking about the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula.

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324 posts

What might be brilliant weather for a Spaniard could well be an infierno for a Seattleite. On the other hand, part of the joy of southern Spain is the way in which the weather effects the population. With warmer days and longer nights, the population still indulges in long siestas and late night reunions on the terraces of bars everywhere. Mid-September still feels like summer, where the light at the beginning of October has a definite Fall tinge to it. In either case the worst of the heat will be over by the time you arrive. As a long time Seville resident, I like the heat, but prefer the light in October. Either way, you won't be sorry, but mid-September might give you a wider range of travel options.

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410 posts

As regards southern spain, I would tend to go for September - you will still have the warmth and the longer days, which is lovely.

Rain won't be a major problem!