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Best route to finish trip Switz/Germany

Finalizing up the final week of our trip this May and trying to figure out the best route based on the cities we want to visit and thought i'd check of some experienced guidance. We will be leaving Europe out of Munich and coming from Switzerland (zurich) and trying to see what makes the most sense.
Option 1 - 7:20am train Zur to Munich arrives 11:40, spend Fr/S/Sun nights there with day trip to Salzburg stay as long as needed M to see more of munich. Spend M/T night in Roth ODT with a day trip to Wurzburg. W night in Freising before flying out Th AM @ 9:30.
Option 2 - Fri 1:30pm train to Salzburg from Zur arrives 6:30. Spend F/Sat night there. Sun/M night in RODT and then T/W night in Munich.
I know it seemed odd to go to Munich and then leave before flying out, but thought if doing day trip to Salz it would be better to do on weekend to use weekend ticket and get an earlier start then Bayern ticket would allow. Also, train from Zur - Salz would eat up more of a sightseeing day.

Any thoughts or maybe a better way to do this??

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12172 posts

I like staying at least one night in Salzburg.

Does DB still have the schoenes wochende ticket? It was 35 Euros for a weekend train pass for up to five(local trains only). If that's still available, you might use it to cover some weekend travel rather than using a more expensive pass.

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591 posts

I guess I'll give you option 3 just to make it more interesting. This one cuts down the total time on the train and you only have to unpack twice: Zurich to Wurzburg (change at Stuttgart), stay Fri & Sat. Day trip to Rothenburg on Sat. Visit the Residence Sun AM then to Munich and stay Sun.thru Wed. Day trip to Salzburg on Tues. You'd still have the option of staying in Rothenburg instead of Wurzburg if that's your preference. Rothenburg has the 'night watchman tour' & Wurzburg has a lot more night life.

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95 posts

That's something we'd considered. We're looking at Zurich-Mun or Zur-Salz to get the click and rail ticket on for 47sf and save money on train fare. It just limits you to those 2 trains. As i'm looking though i see there is a click and rail from Zurich to stuttgart 11:15 arriving around 2pm. Then it's another 2 1/2-3 hours to Wurzburg.

We'll just have to see what makes the most since. I figure we probably will do Salzburg as a day trip though from Munich and save some travel time and packing/unpacking.