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Best Places in Eastern France (Champagne, Burgundy, etc.)

Hi, My mom, son and I are going on the trip of a lifetime. We are flying in to Paris, with out eventual destination Slovakia to look up distant cousins. We are driving, and want to spend some time in eastern France. I absolutely want to go to Alesia, to see the battlefield where Caesar beat the Gauls (I was a Classics student in college!) Other than that, I am open to suggestions. We have about a week to meander around before we head to the Black Forest. I would love any suggestions! Thanks!

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14791 posts

Renee, Eastern France is one of my favourite areas in the country. I heartily suggest you visit Metz and Strasbourg, while Strasbourg is a much more beautiful city, Metz is still worth a visit, especially the villages west of Metz...a good number of them were battle sites. The Prussian military cemetery is at Gravelotte. It's a lot easier and you'll see more of these villages since you're going by a rental car. I did it by bus from Metz to Gravelotte, didn't get to see the outskirts of the other villages.

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1878 posts

We thought Annecy and Chamonix were great. Much better that the alps as seen from southern Bavaria for us anyway. Strasbourg, Colmar (especially for the Unterlinden Museum) are also wonderful. The area around Beaune in Burgundy, also recommended. As usual Rick is on target in what he recommends. I regretted we did not make it to Reims and Verdun on our last trip -- my research showed that it is also a very worthwhile region.

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283 posts

Besides the Champagne Trail (well worth a trip), there is Reims and the Verdun battlefields--definately worth your time. This area of France was critical in almost every war fought in Europe/France, including WWI (lots to see) and WWII (need to know something to find places.)

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875 posts

Colmar is a picturesque little town; Reims besides great champagne it has a wonderful Notre Dame of its very own that you can visit and pretty much feel like you have the place to yourself. Take the wine trail north from Colmar and visit Riquewehr (sp?) and the other little villages along the way to Strasbourg.

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11 posts

Thanks for all of the great tips! Looking forward to it!

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12040 posts

I second the question of what time of year. This can make a huge difference, as late fall and winter weather can make rural sight-seeing less than an ideal use of your time. Two places where I really wanted to spend more time were Dijon and Besançon. I found Colmar mildly interesting. Probably worth your time on the way to the Black Forest, but not worth going too far out of your way to visit. I wish I had spent less time in the town and more time exploring the nearby Vosges mountains. There are also a handful US military cemeteries scattered around that area of France that sit ignored by most tourists (not by the French, though). The day I visited the cemetery at Epinal (where I have a relative buried), it was nearly deserted.

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676 posts

If you like, or think you might like champagne, Reims has some champagne houses, and Epernay has LOTS more. Haven't been to Reims yet but Epernay is great-pay a small fee for the tour, some samples, drink, laugh, have fun....