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Best Overnight Stay near Neuschwantein Castle?

In your opinion, where is the best place to stay to visit Neuschwantein & Hohenschwangua Castles? We'd like to spend an extra day in the area biking and hiking, but would also love to stay in a hotel/B & B with views of the castle. Thanks in advance for your help.

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811 posts

there are a few little villages near the castle. if you have a car then driving from Munich there is only one major road. right before you get to the castle, there are a few villages on both sides of the road you'll find guest houses run by farmers. they have breakfast, rooms are usually cheaper than hotels, and a lot of them have a view of the castle.

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7209 posts

We've always stayed in the little village of Horn. The castle is brightly lit at night and very beautiful. Our favorite hotel is the Hotel Helmerhof, and they serve really good food in their restaurant.