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Best month for Spain

My wife has informed me that she wants to go to Spain. Even though I'd like to run with the bulls, I can't see making the trip in July or August. I'm leaning toward May because of the long days. I'd like it to be warm enough to soak up some sun in a park or at a beach but not hot, humid and crowded. I'm happy going later if the weather will be nice enough. I don't think I can plan a trip before May (I had been talking British Isles but like to have a happy wife). I may include Portugal, something along the line of fly into Lisboa and out of Barcelona or reverse. Please suggest your favorite times of year to visit. Thanks.

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768 posts

Brad My wife and I are also visiting Spain this spring, however, our visit is limited to Barcelona. We will be there in late April, primarily to avoid crowds, yet hopefully benefiting from temperatures beginning to rise and days a bit longer. We're not sun worshipers so 70 F (21C) is not our goal; RS Spain would have the answer as would about any web site concerning tourism in Spain. Feliz viaje

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9369 posts

It kind of depends on what part of Spain you are visiting. I have visited in May (northern Spain) and the weather was perfect, except for one foggy day. The RS Spain book covers nothing of northern Spain, though, except for Santiago de Compostela. I was there mid-month, and my friend said that within a couple of weeks the temperatures would be increasing. I'm going back again next May, but we expect to be headed south on that trip. Still, it won't be as hot as it will be later in the summer.

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12313 posts

Thanks Jon, That brings up another question. Does anyone know of a weather site that includes avg. relative humidity. I grew up in San Diego and also lived on Guam - I know 80 degrees in one place is comfortable (San Diego) while 80 degrees in the other is a time to stay near the pool or ocean (Guam) because the humidity makes it feel so much hotter. Every weather site I see shows avg. temperatures and even avg. rainfall but I haven't found one that gives a true idea of the "misery" index.

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629 posts

We were in Spain for the end of April and into May 2010. In Seville you can attend the April Fair, bullfights (we didn't attend) and other festivities every day for a week. The weather there was quite warm....perfect. Madrid & the north was cooler, jackets at night, but still quite nice. Also, you would be there for the big celebrations at the beginning of May everywhere in Spain. It's their 4th of July.

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768 posts

Try and type in the city of your choice. I just looked at Barcelona and the temp currently is 52ºF, partly cloudy with winds WNW at 10 mph. You can also see a monthly forecast. For Barcelona, the balance of February has highs in the high 50s and low 60s.

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4535 posts

October and even early November would be a very pleasant time to visit. Depends partly on where you want to go and what you want to do.

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694 posts

We were in Barcelona and Costa Brava in the middle of May, a few years ago. The weather was perfect, 22 to 25 degree Celsius (71-77). I am also going to Madrid and Andalusia this year, after checking a few weather website, i am thinking probably around the end of September to middle October.

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59 posts

No other responder addressed your idea of including Portugal so I will which I think is a GREAT thought. We have been to Spain twice and Portugal 3 times (one trip included time in both countries). Our visits to both countries have been in April/May and the weather has been great - not too hot but still able to to soak up some sun at the beach mid day/early afternoon. Along the coast, humidity did not seem an issue - there was usually a light breeze although when we were in the Algarve once at the end of May it got warm enough that the best thing to do in the afternoon was to find a shady spot. Lisboa is a lovely old city with lots of sights/ museums, etc. Algarve (southern province of Portugal) is about 110 miles along its Atlantic coast and about 30 miles south to north is a lovely area with lots of inexpensive accommodation during the shoulder months of Apr/May & Sept/Oct. But, do not go there from mid June to late August - we have been told it is wall to wall people. And between Portugal and Barcelona, there is Sevilla, Gibraltar, Granada. If you want a recommendation for a great apartment in central Algarve, send me a private message as I will not likely check back to this post. With a private message, RS's web lets me know that I have a message to respond to.
Happy travels.

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12313 posts

I think we're leaning toward mid-September through mid-Oct. I've heard from Spanish friends that the North is nice in September and the South is nice in October. We'll probably do a circular route landing in Madrid and heading North, then East toward Barcelona, work South through Valencia toward Gibraltar and Tangier (briefly) then circle back up toward Lisboa for the flight home. My list of potential sites is already too big and will need to be pared down. I'm debating whether it's better to get a car or use a combination of train and bus, I'm leaning toward the latter. I don't mind driving but it does add an additional stress.

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1178 posts

I have been traveling to Spain twice per year for several years now...once in the spring (April - May) and again in the fall (Sept, Oct, early Nov). Mainly in the area of Madrid , west and north...the weather has been great at all times. Understand the south, Sevillia, is unbearable in July, August-according to its residents. These dates let you avoid the summer tourists , school groups, etc., for the main part. Enjoy your trip!

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331 posts

You say your choice was between Spain or Britain. Don't worry Spain is full of Brits so you'll get the best of both worlds (unfortunately mostly the dregs, so avoid places like Torremolinos and Fuengirola) I see your reasoning though......if the wife's happy and all that...and more chance of some beach frolicking without the drizzle. May/June sounds good to me, or Sept/Oct.