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Best cities to visit AROUND Belgium

Have 4 days to travel and do not want to visit Belgium, Netherlands, or France. Have to fly out the morning of Sept 11 from BRU. Which cities would you visit? Flights to Budapest, Istanbul and Stockholm are pricey; is it worth it to do 4 days in Germany??? Help!

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6 posts

Yes! There are many amazing areas to explore in Germany. What do you enjoy-museums, outdoors, castle/fortresses, medieval towns? I spent 16 days in Germany last year and could have stayed longer. PS I will be in Brussels for my first time at the end of September. : )

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501 posts

Are you sure you wouldn't consider Spa, Belgium and their spa?? Dusseldorf and a little village close by, Neuss is interesting with its indoor ski resort similar to Dubai's.

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7765 posts

>is it worth it to do 4 days in Germany? You're kidding, right? You could spend four days just in the museums and art galleries of any of the major cities of Germany. That doesn't even consider scenery, wine-making, medieval villages, boat trips, red-light districts, food, opera and other performance, churches, new architecture, war history, farm-stays, auto racing, rock-climbing, flower shows, cable cars ... Please re-read Rick's "Why We Travel".

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14790 posts

Hi, If you're set on skipping Belgium, Holland, and France this time, then it's a lot easier to focus the 4 full days on Germany, especially if you're considering flying in. My suggestion: Berlin with one whole day devoted to Potsdam with a tour in the morning and exploring on your own afterwards.