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Berner Oberland (Switzerland)--May or October?

Thanks to all who have answered my previous post. I think that we are going to stick with Switzerland. Now, for my second question. For those of you who've been to the region, we are debating between May and October, do you have any advice? We are wanting to avoid the busy season.

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2927 posts

Hi Dixie, On our one trip to Switzerland, we visited the Berner Oberland (stayed in Wengen) in mid October. We loved it. I'd go with October, naturally. Cool to mild days and chilly to cold nights. Pretty much like fall in the northeast. Paul

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12040 posts

The busy season is winter, not the summer. There may be more visitors from North American in the summer, but overall numbers are much lower than the ski season. I'm assuming you're not considering skiing, so October would be a better choice. May is just after the late spring shoulder season. It can be a wet month, and there can be a lot of mud. October is statistically a much drier month, although temperatures may be quite cold at higher elevations.

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1633 posts

We also enjoyed Muerren in October two years ago. Try to go earlier in the month because a lot of establishments will close mid-month. It is their "shoulder" season. During this time, hotesl and restaurants go on their vacation.

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33209 posts

May can be mud, and lifts and other services will be closed for a few days for essential maintenance sometime in May or April. I'd vote October, but I've enjoyed the times we there in late May, YMMV.

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10361 posts

Hi Dixie, I suggest you go to your other thread and let readers of that question know that you have decided on Switzerland. Otherwise, people will continue to answer that question. Have a great trip!

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11 posts

My favorite is May but don't rule out October when the valleys may be foggy but above the clouds magnificent. Just check to be sure all lifts are open. Check online pics to see which season suits you.