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Bern to Florence

We would like to travel by train form Bern to Florence.While in Florence (3 nights)we will travel to a village one hour away and return in evening.A day later we will travel down to Rome.How should we plan this? Should we buy a eurorail pass? Any other suggestions?

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19232 posts

"Should we buy a eurorail pass?"

Doesn't sound like it. A one hour trip each way per day would probably not pay for a pass nor the trip to Rome. Bern to Florence is the only leg that would have a chance to make a railpass pay, and I doubt it.

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1358 posts

Compare the cost of point-to-point tickets with the cost of a railpass. You will probably find the p2p tickets cheaper. You can buy tickets the day before use in case you have to change your travel plans.

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2 posts

Thank you for your responses. Thank you also to Kent for posting the general hint about itineraries and train schedules. That was most helpful.