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Berlin Festival of Lights 2012

I will be in Berlin on Oct 14 and would like to buy a tour of the Festival of Lights 2012 in advance. Can sonmeone direct me to a website? Also, I would like a hotel where I could be picked up for the tour. I travel alone and with a cane so a lot of walking is not possible. I am a 70 year old lady that needs to be aware of safety but still doesn't want to miss the fun of travel. R

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4094 posts has this information site: It includes this sentence: "Special 'lightseeing' tours on the Light-Liner bus, by boat on the Light-Ship, on foot with the Light-Cruso or by rickshaw with the Light-Velo will give locals and visitors alike the chance to experience the creative compositions up close. " Also on the Internet, this site is presented as the official voice of the festival and it lists "licenced" tours Berlin's commercial tour agencies are competitive so you can shop around on the Internet. If you wait until you arrive, VisitBerlin has offices at the airports and main train station, listed here: It will sell you the tours. At last minute, your hotel probably can give advice and make bookings.
I have no personal experience with guided tours of this event since I wandered around on my own, trying not to bump into other strollers as I gazed skyward. If shopping, I would inquire about the tour commentary and compare prices.