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Belgium/The Netherlands

I am looking for ideas on where to travel in April after leaving Bruges . I have 1 1/2 days before I have to be in Liege to meet someone. After Liege I also have 1 1/2 days open before I fly out of Amsterdam. I will not have visited Brussels. Some ideas are Dinant or Masstricht. Anyone have any other places that would be fun!!

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12040 posts

Dinant is pretty, but it takes maybe an hour or two to see. Maastricht is also quite attractive, but unless you want to do a lot of shopping, it would be hard to fill an entire day there. If you'll have car,you can check out the Ardennes (Spa, Verviers, Durbuy, etc.). Without a car... Gent, Antwerp,Leuven? For something a little different, maybe even Hasselt?

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70 posts

What kind of attractions are you into? Art/particular artists? Medieval history? etc. I posted a very similar thread but my trip is in about 3 weeks so perhaps I can respond to you afterwards ^_^

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192 posts

Hi Megan, Have a good trip. I would be very interested to hear what you did after your trip. We are spending 3 days in Amsterdam. Anne Frank museum, VanGogh, Keuekenhof Gardens, Moving on to Antwerp for an afternoon, spending 4 nights in Bruges, possibly going to the Coast, maybe the Triple Treat Tour and two days to browse Bruges. I have always wanted to go there. We may possibly visit Ghent too. Then we head to Liege to visit a friend so we have some time for Brussels and I was looking for something kind of quaint for the rest of the trip. More relaxed then the hustle bustle of Brussels or Liege. No car though.