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Belgium or Provence for 3 days??

I am sorry for all my questions, I feel like I sound like an idiot. We are considering skipping Madrid (just doesn't look like a place we would enjoy), so that leaves use with 3 days open in our intinerary. Soooo....we might be thinking of flying into Bruges and spending the day there and spending 2 days in Brussels, or...... spending 3 days in Provence and fly into Paris and then head to Spain. which is the better idea, or both comepletely stupid? Thanks!

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2092 posts

Brendon, Questions are good.....that's the way we all learn! I think if you try flying into Brussels you'll find flights but not into Bruges because I don't think there's an airport! If you want to spend 3 days in Provence, you could fly into Marseilles (MRS) unless you want to spend time in Paris before Provence?

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1068 posts

Questions rock! Like Darcy says, that's how you learn. I wonder why you don't think you'd enjoy Madrid? I found it an absolutely magnificent city, and the food is amazing... are you not a "big city person?" Or... ??? It would be interesting to know why Madrid doesn't appeal - would make your Brussels/Bruges vs. Provence question easier to answer. I'd say if you want to avoid big cities, the choice is easy - choose Provence. It is truly lovely and bucolic.