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Belgium, France and Spain 1st attempt intinerary.

This is what I have so far our second Europe trip: Day 1: Fly from Seattle to Brugge Day 2 and 3: Spend in Brugge Day 4. Take train from Brugge to Ghent Day 5. Spend day and night in Ghent Day 6: Take Train from Ghent to Normandy Day 7. Spend day at D-Day beaches da7 8. Take Train from Normandy to Paris DAY 9, 10, 11: Spend in Paris Day 12: Fly from Paris to Barcelona Day 13 and 14: Spend in Barcelona Day 14: Take Train to Toldeo Day 15: Spend day and night in Toledo
Day 16: Fly back to seattle

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12040 posts

This partially repeats what I replied to another of your posts, but here goes. Brugge and Ghent sit close enough together (less than 30 minutes by rail) that you could easily daytrip from one to another. I personally don´t like changing lodgings any more than necessary, so I would pick one city to use a base. Which city you choose would probably depend on the difference between the two cities at night. Brugge has a ghostly beauty to it at night, but it´s mostly pretty dead. Ghent hosts a large university and a relatively young, professional population. It too, is quite stunning at night, although there´s usually a lot more going on after hours. For your exploration of Normandy, either take a guided tour or rent a car for the day. Public transportation isn´t very convenient.

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4412 posts

Ditto everything Tom said (although I happen to like the "mostly pretty dead" aspect of Bruges LOL! I see people/tourists all day long; I don't want to see them all night long!). Are you flying into Ostend-Bruges, or Brussels, or Paris, or...?