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We plan to stop in Belgium between start of trip in Amsterdam and end of trip in Paris. Entire trip is 2 weeks long. How much time would you spend in Belgium. If more than 1 night - would you spend nights in different towns? I've heard Brugges is great & Leuven. Advice?

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6788 posts

We did 3 nights in Belgium on a fast-paced trip and it seemed about right. We did 2 nights in Bruges and one night in Brussels -- as Rick correctly points out, Brussels is worth a few hours and can be done as a brief stop along the way. The only reason we stayed the night there was it made sense with our other connections.

Bruges is a must -- one of my favorite places in Europe. Incredible beer, food and chocolate, and the town is almost too cute to stand (so it gets crowded, but is worth it).

If going between Paris and Amsterdam, I'd give Bruges 2 days and 2 nights, and do Brussels as a quick (1/2 day) stop on the way through.

My advice would be to arrive in Bruges with an empty stomach (too much good eating there and not enough time) some Dumon chocolate for me while you're there!

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12040 posts

Leuven is worth a trip if you are a young adult. Other than the cathedral and some of the old university buildings, there isn't too much of particular interest to distinguish Leuven to the average tourist. However, at night, the cafe life on the Oude Markt is one of the best I have experienced in Europe. Lively, but not too rowdy, it serves as a pleasant contrast to the drunken meat market that often represents the US college bar "scene". If school is not in session, however, Leuven will be a ghost-town.

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59 posts

Whatever you do, don't miss Ghent. There is a great ancient fortress, a wonderfully restored old town but of all things, the most beautiful cathedral. Saint Bavo's interior is incredible, the crypt holds some of the most beautiful art and treasure in Belgium.

Everyone will tell you go go to Bruge,it is wonderful, but research Ghent. You will be impressed.
The interior of that church rivals any I have ever seen.

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87 posts

Hi Jill,

Your trip looks just like ours from September. 3 nights Amsterdam, 2 nights in Brugge with a 3 hour train stop in Brussels. Brugge was our only overnight stop in Belgium. It is as everyone says great. Two nights seemed about right for us.