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Bedbugs in western europe?

We're leaving for a trip to Europe in a week. We're going to Germany, Austria, Switz, and France. Does anyone know of any bedbug infestations, problem hotels, places to avoid - in those countries? Paranoia is beginning to run rampant in my family. Thanks.

Posted by
64 posts

Sorry, guys. I really didn't mean to start a diatribe on the demographic biases that seem to be everywhere in today's society. I was simply trying to see if there were any hotels I'd be better off avoiding. sheesh....

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8699 posts

Bedbugs are much more prevalent in the US right now than in Europe - I have friends in my city who won't even go to the movie theatre any more because of their fear of bedbugs. That being said, you can take precautions: When you first check in, look for signs of bedbugs on the bed (tiny spots of blood on the mattress, etc). Don't put any luggage on the bed or furniture while you're staying there (use the luggage stand or even the tub). Once you get home, kill bed bugs by washing everything in hot, hot water and vacuuming your bags inside and out, including seams (or leaving them out in extreme heat or cold). Don't bring the bags into the house until you do the above - leave them in the garage or basement. I have one friend who is a teacher who works in a low-income school and is exposed to them on a daily basis. She has certain clothes that she wears only to school and changes and stores those clothes in the basement only.

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8293 posts

Mardee says she has a friend who teaches "in a low income school" and is thus exposed on a daily basis to bedbugs. Poor people have bedbugs is what she is saying. But then, how does she account for the fact that some very expensive hotels in NY City are battling infestations of the critters? And some luxurious cruise ships?

Posted by
2193 posts

Right, the bugs don't discriminate. Low income has nothing to do with it...I wonder how those kids might feel if they knew their teacher changed her clothes every day after spending time with them. Also, I haven't seen anything to suggest the U.S. has a more serious problem than Europe. Infestations have skyrocketed everywhere, and there's a lot of news about it in the U.S. press right now, so perhaps it seems like there's a bigger problem here? I think it's a matter of perspective.

Posted by
1175 posts

In the age of media hysteria regarding just about EVERYTHING, bedbugs are just the latest paranoia led by the pathetic excuses we have for journalists that are on air 24/7. I guess the swine flu pandemic didn't work out as hyped so now it's bedbugs. If you really want something to worry about, rumor has it the sun is going out since the daylight hours appear to be decreasing daily..... :-)

Posted by
842 posts

Mick, you put forth a good question...thanks for bringing up the subject. I live outside of Portland Oregon. This week, on the Morning national news, one of the staff told about his horrible experience with bedbugs in one of our better hotels here in Portland. Bedbugs can be anywhere! I always check Trip Advisor, etc. for the latest reviews on any hotel that I plan on staying in. That is how I ruled out one hotel that we were considering in Porto Portugal a couple of years ago.

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11528 posts

Sad fact is, a hotel may not have begbugs,, until the day you check in,, because the day before the little critters were left by last client in room. When you arrive at your hotel, no matter how nice, look for evidense of infestation,, pull up corner and bed sheet and look for specks that look like pepper. Do not put bags on bed, put on luggage rack or desk, not on an upolstered chair. Ps There was a report of bedbugs in a restaurant in Hawaii, they got infested in the chairs and booths( the upolstery) so you can worry too much about Europe ,

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292 posts

You can check trip advisor for recent complaints, but even that's not always perfect. As someone who has been bitten, and brought back a straggler (and then didn't figure out the mysterious once-a-month bites until I found the perpetrator six months later!), I can definitely back up the advice of other people on the board. Check the mattress when you check in (for dark spots or for the bugs, they are visible, about like an apple seed), keep the luggage sealed up and away from the sleeping area, and do a thorough inspection/cleanup when you get back, before taking anything in the house. And if you do find you get a suspicious bite while traveling, be calm! You can still successfully get back without transferring them. They are not pleasant but if you're careful you don't have to be any more than a onetime meal!

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11528 posts

Mick,, i just read there is quite a problem in America,, but I am not sure if the infestation has reached the same levels in western Europe ,, yet( hey they hitchhike) .. I have personally stayed in many hotels in Europe over the last 10 yrs and haven't found any yet.. and I look. As noted, check mattress when you check in,, look for spots like pepper( bug feces) or blood spots. Leave suitcases on tables or luggage racks, never on floor or beds.

Posted by
425 posts

Pick a hotel and check out the reports on and trip advisor. There certainly are NONE in our hotel!!