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Beaune, France

I would like to find a B&B in the Beaune region as the central location for touring the wineries of Burgundy. Many of the places I have found are very expensive; any suggestions?

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3313 posts

Are you set on a B&B? Because Beaune gets a lot of tourism. There are a number of inexpensive hotels west of the old town and towards the Autoroute. Also the cheaper chain hotels near the interchange. You'll need the savings for wine tasting and god meals!

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1178 posts

Not sure of a b&b in the area. I was there in 2007 and stayed at a small inn just north of the city gate, about one block. Very nice and not all that expensive --- King Henry 8th or some such was the name as I recall.

Be sure to see the Hotel De Dieu (Hospital) in Beaune. It is well worth the visit.

Nearby, Vezelay - town and church where the crusades began, and the king of England was denounced by the Archbishop of Canterbury...

Just south of Beaune is the birth of modern photography.

Have a great trip.