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Bayeux or Caen?

So my friends are traveling via train from Paris to visit Normandy. We are only going to visit Normany for a day and are looking for the most efficient and convenient town to spend the night and travel to Normandy. I have heard both of these mentioned by different people. Which is most accessible to Normandy considering we have a rail pass? Any suggestions?

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448 posts

I'm sure someone more aware of trains will give precise advice, but a one-night city choice would be Bayeux.

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448 posts

I'm sure someone more aware of trains will give precise advice, but a one-night city choice would be Bayeux.

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8700 posts

Bayeux is about a 20-minute train ride from Caen. There are a few trains that go directly from Paris to Bayeux (with a stop in Caen). Otherwise you'll need to change trains in Caen.

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20 posts

We did that last summer and stayed in Bayeux. We also did the tour thing as a way to get around easier (was recommended by a friend) since we only had 1 day. Also there was 6 in our family and doing the tour was more convenient. We wish we would have had more time to spend there but really enjoyed the short visit and it certainly was a very memorable experience.

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223 posts

Bayeux. Arrive mid-afternoon, visit the Bayeux Tapestries (fabulous presentation) and spend the night. Schedule a Battlebus Tour (also fabulous) for the next morning, and either return to Paris (don't know how late trains operate between Bayeux and Paris) or stay a 2nd night.