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Bavaria to Italy in September

We will be flying into Frankfurt in late Sept. and have about 5-6 days to work our way down to Venice. The general itinerary is to go immediately to the Rhein and stay at one of the 'Castle-burgs' i.e. St Goar, Bacharach, etc. for a night or two and take a boat trip on the Rhein before heading out to Munich for the Oktoberfest via the Romantic Road with maybe a 1 night stay in Rothenburg. After a couple of nights in Munich, we plan take the train to Venice. My questions (there may be more later): What modes of transportation would work best for the Franfort to Rhein 'Castle-burg' town leg, then the 'Castle-burg' to Munich leg? (For example, could we take the boat from St. Goar to Mainz? Or, is the train best?) If we were to rent a car in Mainz or Frankfurt, can we turn it in at Munich? Also looking for suggestions for 'quiet' accomodations in or near Munich during Oktoberfest. (Is 'quiet' possible during the festivities?) Budget is not the primary consideration, but it's up there. Thanks!

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My husband and I stayed at the Marriot in Munich this last Oct during Octoberfest. There are two Marriots on the same street and I stayed at both. They are about the same. The train is in walking distance from the hotel so you just jump on the train to the festivale grounds. I liked it because it is more a business area and is quiet. Have fun!

We have been to two Octoberfest and they are fun for a day or so.