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Battlebus Tours

I was searching through the archives and found really good feedback for this company! Just wanted to find out if anybody did the American Experience and what your thoughts were. I am debating between the one day tour or the two day tour. I was also thinking about doing the Band of Brothers tour as well...but that might be a little much. Thanks!

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32331 posts


I've taken both the BattleBus American Highlights tour and Canadian Highlights tour (full day tours). Both were excellent! The Guides are extremely knowledgeable, and they offer lots of personal details (from Veterans) that really add to the tour experience.

If you take the B of B tour, you'll probably stop at the small Church at Angoville au Plain, where two Medics from the 101st provided care to wounded on both sides.

Based on my experiences, I'd highly recommend BattleBus!!!

In order to take the tours, you'll likely need to stay in Bayeux, as the tours leave at about 08:00 so it would be difficult to get there in time if you're staying elsewhere.

Happy travels!

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80 posts

We did the American Highlights and Band of Brothers tour back-to-back in 2006. We also did the British Highlights last summer. I cannot recommend Battlebus highly enough!! Yes, you can visit the same sights to which they convey you, but the collateral material and personal experiences they will relate are beyond anything you will find on your own. Both years it was the highlight of our trip. If you enjoyed the Band of Brothers mini-series, I would highly suggest that you do as we did. Both days were outstanding.