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Battlebus Tour Review #2

After I left Normandy, I met my RS Germ, Aus, Swiz tour in St Goar. During that wonderful 14 days, I watched one woman each time we got on the bus. She was about 59 and she would sit and read a book or sleep the entire time on the bus. Would never listen to the guide about the next stop, would not look at the scenery we were passing. Once as I sat across from her I mentioned a beautiful church we were passing. Thought she would bite my head off as I took her away from the love story or whatever she was reading. She was the B[INVALID]-H of the tour as everone else agreed also. What a waste of over $3500. Hope the book was worth it. Sure you all have stories as well but you only get out of a tour what you put into it. Even a poor tour guide can be very good if you have some knowledge of what you are touring as ask good questions and make the guide give you what knowledge they have. Rick's guides are all quality people and I never left any tour stop feeling that I was shorted on the info for that site.

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