Paul and Myriam Woodadge have announced that Battlebus, a Rick Steves favorite for D-Day tours, will no longer operate after the 30th of this month. Here is the link to the sites where Paul gives more information about the change:
Disappointed ! We were looking forward to booking a Battlebus tour for our visit next May. I looked at the new company's website - and the tours won't fit with our schedule or our budget. Do you have any other recommendations for similar tours? I know there are a lot out there but don't have any experience in choosing one !
Tom, Thanks for posting. That's very disappointing news, as I really enjoyed the BattleBus Tours that I've taken (Paul was my Guide on the Canadian Juno tour). While Paul will still be offering tours, I suspect we'll all have to book LONG in advance as I'm sure he'll be very busy.
Canadians who wish to do a self-guided tour should get Terry Copps' book The Canadian battlefields in Normandy : a visitor's guide. It has lots of terrific information including some suggested itineraries with maps.
The best D-day tour I have found in the area is the one sponsored by the war memorial museum in Caen. They are excellent and I have always personally preferred them to what Battlebus had to offer. Happy travels!
I also did the beaches tour with the Caen Museum and it was great! Although it was mostly American zone-focused. The guide told us, however, that the Juno Beach Museum also has guided tours that are really informative. Unfortunately we didn't have time to prove her right... Next time!
I'm just happy we were able to take a Battlebus tour in August with Dale as our guide! It was so impressive.
I wonder what will happen with Dale. I took a Band of Brothers tour with him last March and it was amazing. Will he still stay with Paul and continue doing tours?
That's a shame. One of my favorite things I have ever done in Europe. It wasn't too expensive and the memory is priceless.
Is the Dale you are referring to Dale Booth? Is it possible he has gone out on his own? I came across this website: Wondering about whether or not this is the Dale everyone raved about from Battebus.
For Susan and Kyle: It's possible Dale has gone out on his own; the owner of Battlebus says, on this site, that some of the former staff of Battlebus are pursuing solo careers.
Yes, Dale Booth told us he would be going out on his own. He's fantastic!