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Battle Bus Followup (1)

Got several replys on my Battlebus post and thought I would do this follow up. As I mentioned there were 4 on the Band Of Bros Tour, two from New Zeland, 1 from Australia and myself. Between us over 40 watches of BOB mini series so we were well informed on the info the show had. But we found out the show was not completely accurate as well. One reported death did not happen and that soldier went on to win many citations in Korea later. Anyway, you get out of a tour what you put into it. One person came up and asked if there was room on our tour but had no idea what BOB was about so he did not go. I can see why some of you that post, will post a bad review vs others that post an excellent review. Would be like me taking a coal mine tour at midnight. Sure would not get a good review from me.

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