Does the batobus in Paris operate in November? and what english bookstores sell your guidebooks?
I wasn't sure if you wanted 'English' bookstores, or 'English-language-in-Paris' bookstores, so... Notice the list is current as of Jan 2010. Batobus runs 10:30-16:30 until Christmas Day (then the hours change...).
"your" aware that Rick doesn't read the helpline. The comments here are from ordinary travelers.
It will work better for you if you buy Rick's books here in the US, before your trip -- they can be difficult to find in Paris.
The only places I have ever seen Rick Steves' guidebooks in Europe were in the hands of other travelers, and in the lobbies of some of his hotel recommendations. I have never seen them in bookstores.
Somebody posted a couple of months ago that Shakespear & Co. had them. Cross to the left bank on the Petit Point at Notre Dame, take the second left (Rue Bucherie, maybe?). Halfway down the block on your right.
Since I don't live in the US, I looked for RS books in Europe. Even some "native language" book stores have them, but the prices seemed to me to be at least 50% higher than the US$ prices on the cover.
The batobus isn't a great deal. It is too slow to use for transportation, and for a river cruise, there are much better options. Vedettes du Pont Neuf is very good and you can get a discount by bying vouchers on-line.
In Paris, The Red Wheelbarrow bookstore on Rue St. Paul has Steves' books. It is a fascinating bookstore crammed with many interesting things.