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Bastille Day in Paris

I checked back a few pages of posts and did not see this topic, so hope I am not repeating a question already asked and answered... My family and I will be in Paris on Bastille Day--not really part of the original planning, just happened that way. It will be our second day of six, and we really don't know what we should be prepared for. I have read that there are fireworks and parades and huge crowds, and that everything is closed. Has anyone experienced Paris on Bastille Day? Can you share your experiences and suggestions on what to do and what to avoid? Thanks so much.

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448 posts

Can't say about museum openings, but you won't have trouble finding food.
The parade is a military parade from L'Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde and people get in place for hours in advance along the Champs Elysees. Bands, the Horse Guard, no floats or candy tossing...and we always watch from home to get a better the fly over of the"patrouille de France" the Blue Angels???....Usually, but not always...Eiffel Tower fireworks....Yes, crowds...and they're not just foreign tourists..It's a French holiday...and in France usually called 14th of july/quatorze juillet...Like in states we call rarely call the 4th of july independance day.
........anyhow, the rest of the city will be "normal" maybe go to Montmarte while everyone else is down watching the parade..

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225 posts

We were there in 2006. I can't say that anything was closed or difficult to access. In fact, I think some things are open for free on July 14th.

One thing though if you don't like CROWDS is to be careful of the Champ de Mars area. The entire grounds were covered with people picnicking and waiting for the fireworks. We're not big on crowds, so we had a little picnic in our hotel room on Rue Cler. We could see the fireworks and the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Remember too that sundown isn't until around 10 or 1030 in July, so the fireworks won't be until dark at 11 or so. Immediately after the fireworks ended, the whole area became a madhouse with people returning to their homes and hotels. It was quite orderly and calm though. Just very busy.

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456 posts

you might want to bring earplugs; you'll probably hear people out on the street and/or firecrackers throughout the night