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Bastille Day

First time to Paris, is it a mistake being there during this holiday? Our main goal is to see the major sites and don't want to jepardize this due to crowds etc.. Thx, Steve

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9026 posts

We loved Bastille Day in Paris. The show they put on is really wonderful. Not to be missed.

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14580 posts

If you are so lucky to time your stay in Paris during
Bastille Day, do it! I've only had the chance once in all my trips to Europe to be in Paris on 14 July; just be prepared for the crowds and that in the afternoon almost everything shuts down, except in the tourist areas.

If you plan to be at Versailles on Bastille Day, my complements; the light show at the chateau in the evening is absolutely fantastic.

Whether you are viewing the military parade in Paris, which starts around 10 AM, or are at the chateau at Versailles, you will have a festive time enjoying the mood and the celebrations. AND it was not for the overthrow of the Sun King.

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1525 posts

Absolutely! Soak it in!

We were there this past summer (our last day in Europe) and it was wonderful to finish a great trip with fireworks over the Eiffel Tower!

I don't know about Versailles on Bastille Day, but the rest of Paris is fine. Just don't plan major indoor sights that day. Plan for a day of strolling outdoors - Luxembourg Gardens, etc. Get to the tower REALLY early for the fireworks (like 5:00 - pack a dinner) and just chill out and people watch.

We were staying in an apartment by Notre Dame and the 3-mile walk back from the fireworks, along the Seine, at midnight, was my favorite memory of the vacation (the metro stations were blocked off to avoid a dangerous crush of people underground).

I would caution you against the parade, however. Yes, it is an "experience". But not only is it horrendously crowded, but it is ALL military & police, fire, etc. All moving excritiatingly slowly with diesel exhaust x 1000 belching the entire time. There is not a single shred of dairy-princess-float-like-pleasantness anywhere.

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8293 posts

"...dairy-princess-float-like-pleasantness..." !! They are commemorating a very bloody revolution, not the County Fair.

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9440 posts

We've been there many times on Bastille Day and other than the Military vehicles parade on the Champs Elysee and fireworks at night at the ET, we didn't notice anything else going on in the city. Everything was open as usual and no crowds other than normal anywhere we went.

Unless you want to be up close, there's no need to get to the ET early for the fireworks, imo. There's tons of space on the Champs de Mars.