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Barcelona or Seville??

i know nothing about either place and was wondering which you think is better to visit. I am leaning more towards Barcelona because it is closer to France since we will be taking a train from Paris. Also Barcelona is closer to Madrid and Toledo, but people tell me Seville is much better than Barcelona. So I am confused. We will be spending a week in France and a week in spain. Any info will be great, Thanks!

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23564 posts

It is an apple and orange question? They are similar only in being old Spanish cities Sevilla has a strong Moorish influence and is relatively small. Barcelona is a large,metro area with a lot to see and do more on the order of a Paris, Rome, London, etc. Southern Spain is very different than most of Europe, again, in part because of the Moors. I would tend to consider Sevilla because of the contract, bit more relaxing after Paris, and day trips into the white hill country would be different.

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629 posts

I would choose Barcelona. We actually prefered Cordoba over Seville but we are in the minority. IMO Seville is the most 'westernized' of the 2 cities with a lot of fast food type restaurants in the central area rather than small family run cafes. We were there during the April Fair in 2010 and this may be the main reason that it was so loud, crowded and dirty. People rave about Seville but we are NOT into the night life and found that the city is living off of it's past. We did enjoy our stay all over the rest of the southern region of Spain.

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1178 posts

I have been to both and enjoyed my trips to both! Since you are in France, however, Barcelona might be easier to get to and from....

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358 posts

I spent a week in Seville and did not like the city. This area of Spain was hot even in early oct. City seemed dirty and the store workers were not friendly. Toured some of cities not far away like Ronda and Cordova which was good. Although I have not been to Barcelona almost everyone loves this city along with Madrid. Next year may take the RS tour of Barcelona and Madrid.

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515 posts

Thanks for all the responses, we decided to stick to Barcelona, Madrid and Tolddo.

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9 posts

Sevilla is wonderful but we much preferred going in late May-early June than July-October. The shopkeepers and waiters do seem a lot fresher in the spring and burnt out in the heat of the summer and into fall. Another advantage of the spring is it stays light longer and attractions stay open longer.
That said, Barcelona makes more sense when paired with a trip to France. Have you considered the Elipsos night train from Paris to Barcelona (or vice versa)? It gets very good reviews and it is possible to book online from Renfe 90 days in advance (book early for discounted fares).