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Barcelona in November second question

Do you have a recommendation of where to stay in Barcelona? My friend has not made a reservation yet! Thanks!

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964 posts

I usually book rooms through either or; they both offer guest reviews of the hotels that they list.

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4 posts

Check out or Having traveled in Europe for several years now, I've found that hotels that are rated 3-stars in Europe can fall under the 2-star category of U.S. hotels. However, even if one chooses a 4-star hotel in Europe, you do need to consider the location. For Barcelona, I personally think that the Eixample district would be a good choice.

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525 posts

Thanks again for your comments. Helen found someone from "couch-surfing" just outside Barcelona that she will be able to stay with. She has had "good" success using this website. I'm not sure if I would use it as you don't know who the people are but....I do know a person in Bath, England that open their home through this website with no problems. Interesting concept.

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638 posts

You can also check out or These are a couple of sites that are maintained by an expat from Ohio who moved to Spain. He has links to dozens and dozens of places to stay.