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Barcelona Hotel

We will be visiting Barcelona for the first time in late April and are having a hard time finding a reasonably priced hotel. HOtel Continental Barcelona responded to our request that it is full. We are also checking with Hotel Jardi. We'd like a balcony with a view but don't want to pay more than $175-$200. Any suggestions?

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3580 posts

The first of May is Labor Day in Spain and that entire weekend from about April 30 to May 5 the hotels will probably be fuller than usual.

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Just got back from staying at the Hotel Continental Palacete, sister hotel of the Continental (which does not have views, I think, but George Orwell stayed there in 1937 while recovering from being shot). Palacete does have great views over the Rambla Catalunya, with double glass windows, as well as 24 hour buffet. An especially great hotel if you like pink.

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We appreciate your input and did try the Continental Palacte too, but they were also full up. Instead we have reserved an apartment through "" and are very pleased with their customer service to-date. They have a great website with color photos of each apartment and have been quick to respond to our emails. They also have feedback from previous travelers regarding each apartment.

Now that we have our apartment booked, another question is that we are thinking of taking the train to Madrid for an overnight stay then return to Barcelona. Do you think this is wise? Any suggestion as to how difficult it will be for an English-language-only traveler to find the correct train?