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Barcelona Area Beaches

We are going on our honeymoon in September to Barcelona. We'd like to take a few days to visit a smaller, beach type town, preferably a short train ride away. Any suggestions for towns/hotels on the beach?

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931 posts

Lisa, when we visited Barcelona this summer I looked into the same thing. One of the RS posters recommended Sitiges, a 1/2 hour train ride from BCN. Since we only had two nites, we decided to stay in BCN, but if I had more time I would have investigated all the small towns out near Sitiges. I would pick a town and then use Trip Advisor to look for lodging opportunities. Happy Honeymoon!

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9110 posts

The spelling is Sitges, and most of the people on honeymoons there are overwhelmingly guys. Take a look at Arenys de Mar which is about twenty-five miles north of Barcelona. The train station is a few yards from the beach.