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Barcelona and Safety

I will be in Barcelona for 1 week in November 2008 with my teen children. I was planning to rent a flat in the central plaza.I have read that crime is a problem there. Can someone recommend specific areas to avoid and neighborhoods to focus on when looking for a rental?

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324 posts

More than avoiding certain parts of town, you need to avoid certain types of behavior. Be aware of your surroundings, don't have wads of money, flash jewelery or expensive electronics on display. Look at your map while seated at a cafe, rather than in the middle of a crush of people on the sidewalk in front of a metro entrance. Carry your purse under your arm rather than over your shoulder. Barcelona has nowhere near the level of crime that you accept as "normal" in Dallas. Don't worry, and enjoy your trip, just don't turn your brain and "street smarts" off while on vacation. Another poster recommended not too long ago -- the apartments are all in upscale neighborhoods, and less touristic than the Ramblas area.

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27 posts


With an average of 2-3 murders per week I suspect you are right. Coming from someone living in Barcelona I am glad to hear this. I'd love to hear more about your City. It wasn't on my list originally but we were invited to meet a host family for my daughter's school. At this point I'm just getting educated.

I think we get comfortable with what we understand. Crime in most places is predictable to some degree. I've lived in Dallas 15 years and have never seen or known anyone who was mugged or pick pocketed (or murdered), so when books warn about such, I'm out of my element.

I will have my daughter with me so safety is my number one concern.

I'd love to hear the low-down on your town, both good and bad.


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27 posts


Good article. I'm not widely traveled so I am very unfamiliar with such safety precautions. I will study it further.


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6 posts

My husband and I visited Barcelona for a week last April. I have to admit I was not that enthusiastic about going, as I kept reading about how common pickpocketing was. I even bought my husband a jacket with 17 hidden pockets! But you know what? We walked everywhere with not a single problem. We did our best to blend in--you know, not walking around with maps in our hands, no white sneakers, etc.

Barcelona is beautiful and fun. We found the people to be friendly and helpful. I hope you have a wonderful time.

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586 posts

Well, it looks like we've hit upon another wonderful advantage for Americans traveling abroad: just about everywhere we go in Europe, the crime is less frequent (and certainly less violent) than outside our own front doors! (: To me, city people develop a sixth sense, an instinct, about safety in a situation or in their surroundings. Whenever you don't feel comfortable--in Barcelona, or anywhere--move along quickly and with a sense of purpose.

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273 posts

I disagree with many posters here. My husband and I were in Barcelona in June this year and we did not have any problems as we wore money belts and were aware of our surroundings (staying near the lively Ramblas) we talked to many people who had been pickpocketed or had their purses stolen (because they had hung it over a chair). We loved the Ramblas and would return just be smart and you won't have a problem. The people are wonderful in that city!