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My parentd and I are going to Barcelona next year. Is it possible to see most of it in 2 days or should we stay 3 and maybe take a side trip to Montserat?

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2428 posts

Do you have 2 full days or does one of the days count as arrival. Yes you could do it all in two busy days but would stay 3 full days and do the Monserat trip.

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893 posts

I think you can get a very good taste of the city in 2 days. But it's going to depend on your interests. You can very easily dedicate one day just to Gaudi alone (but it would be a good day IMO). I'd suggest you read more about Barcelona, determine what you want to do/see and then see if it fits into two days. I personally really liked Montserrat and say it is worth a side trip if you can easily add another day. I wouldn't however, take away from time in say Rome or Paris to do Montserrat, though.