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B & B in Bayeux is it ok?

I've had 2 B & B's email me now and one wants me to mail 50euros to them as a deposit and the other wants me to email them my credit card info. Both make me a little uncomfortable in the world we live in. Does anybody know if this is normal? Their names are Manoir Guerin de la Houssaye and Les Trois Pierre Et Vinadom.

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1455 posts

Stella, if you are not comfortable with that, pick a new one. The bayeux region has a ton of places to stay and most of them are lovely.

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3 posts

We reserved Les Trois Pierre for late September by calling with VISA info to hold the room (after receiving Mme's okay via email to do it that way). Unfortunately, got a crummy phone connection, so had to give up trying my tres basic French and switched to English. Could have started out that way since Mme not only understood & spoke very good English, she was very gracious about everything.

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42 posts

Hotel Le Bayeux where we are staying wanted me to email my credit card information. Like you, I was concerned so I asked if I could fax instead and it was no problem at all. She emailed me as soon as she received the fax and now we're all booked.