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ATM Withdrawls- max amt??

Greetings! My family and I have rented an apt in the Marais in July. When I arrive I have to give the landlord 950 Euros for the rental. What is the most one can withdraw from an ATM in a given day? Thanks-

Posted by
264 posts

The daily limit is far less than € 950.
Take your rent with you!

Posted by
10344 posts

Go here advanced searchenter helpline atm maximum in all these words boxenter in search within a site boxclick search and you'll get 134 hits, all answers to your questionbottom line is it depends, the 134 discussions will explain what it depends onBill is right, easiest thing for you is to get the rent deposit money changed into euros herethis is the only scenario in which this advice is given on this forum

Posted by
1266 posts

Maria - You may what to contact your bank and have them raise you daily ATM withdrawl limit. I'm not sure how the bank determines your maximum limit, after all the funds are coming out of your checking or savings account(s) tied to the ATM card. As the previous poster said, you may want to take the Euro's with you.

Posted by
2788 posts

I hope you are taking at least two debit cards with you from different financial institutions.
Contact them and ask that you daily limit be raised for the duration of your trip. Then add up how much you will be able to withdraw in any one day. Divide the 950 by that amount and then approach the landlord as plead for paying the 950 over a couple of days. I have done this year after year and have never had a problem.. No way would I ever take 950E with me to Europe - in fact I take no currency at all and still have never had a problem over the last ten year. aloha

Posted by
486 posts

Some suggestions:

Ask the landlord if you can pay over a few days so as not to take too much out at once. Remember, you will need euros for other things.

Open an account or two at online banks and fund them a few weeks before leaving. Verify withdrawals work before going and tell them you are going to Europe.

Posted by
23548 posts

Why the online bank?? Wouldn't local banks work as well?

Posted by
134 posts

Hi- Thank you for all the suggestions.

Posted by
12313 posts

Typically your daily limit will be $500 or about 350 Euros. You can ask your bank to raise your limit (unlikely these days) or you can have several accounts and ATM cards that each has a limit so you can draw 950 Euros on your first day.

The second best alternative is to buy Euros at a commercial bank (almost all of the big banks are commercial banks) before your trip. You may have to order it ahead of time, they rarely keep a supply on hand.