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Arnhem vs. Zuiderzee Open-Air Museums

RS recommends both of these museums, with an emphasis on Arnhem. Husband and I definitely want to do one of them – but which? Has anyone done both that can compare? The "Historic Triangle" trip to the Zuiderzee sounds cute, but maybe a bit boring? Are the views from the train/boat interesting throughout the journey? Are the intermediate towns cute to walk through? The travel-time to Arnhem is a bit longer (we'd probably do it between Delft and Amsterdam, so compared to just training to the Zuiderzee, it would be about 1.5 hours more travel total in one day). Is the museum at Arnhem worth the extra effort? Thanks for the help!

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My wife and I have done both, the Arnhem one twice (wished it had been more) and the Enkhuizen one more than I can exactly remember - maybe 7 times? They are actually somewhat different. Arnhem is very much a quite comprehensive collection and has lots of complete buildings and a circular tram ride around sort of the perimeter. Its very professionally done and very traditional, lots of things to do. An excellent place. The zuiderzee museum at Enkhuizen is a bit closer and really really easy to get to by train. Train to Enkhuizen, walk past the front of the train, out the station, down the ramp and onto the landing craft which takes you out to sea and around the point into the museum. You can walk it quite easily if you prefer. Loads of things for kids to do, plenty of smoked herring (smoked before you), an excellent pancake restaurant on site, somewhat more conpact. The Enkhuizen museum really focuses on the ZuiderZee area and buildings and history, whereas Arnhem is about the whole country with a concentration on farmhouses. I can't (and couldn't) pick between them. It all depends on the mood and the location, and if I want fresh smoked herring (I usually do).