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Are rental cars in France requiring BAC machines?

Does anyone know whether French law has started requiring cars to carry a BAC machine? I heard about this and it seems so preposterous that I thought it must some kind of rental car company scam.

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11507 posts

Rene, all cars in France are now required to carry these mini breathlyers thingies, not the big machines, these are one time use and disposable, you can pick them up in gas stations and I imagine at car rental agencies if they are not supplied . There is a thread on the forums ( paris forums) about this.

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7175 posts

According to what I have read the law goes into effect July 1 but the fine (11 euro) for non-compliance doesn't go into effect until Nov 1. So, I guess for now, it's just a warning. The disposable, single use breathalyzers will cost betwee 1-2 euros.

Posted by
8 posts

Thanks for the help. One of the things RS has always been great about is reminding travelers that DUI in Europe is serious. Maybe requiring these new machines is part of increased enforcement of the .08 BAC limit. Something to keep in mind for those of us who love to travel by car in Europe and for whom those fabulous "degustation" signs are like a magnet.

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7175 posts

Actually Rene, the BAC level in France is .05 (not .08 as in the USA). Unfortunately, I think one glass of wine could do it.

Posted by
87 posts

I'm unclear about this. Are rental cars now set up in France so they don't start unless you breathe into a breathalizer? Or do you just need to have one in the glove compartment in case asked? If the fine doesn't start until November, why bother if I'm traveling in July?

Posted by
337 posts

Ken, you just need some approved method for measuring BAC in the car. E.g. a chemical or electronic breathalyser in the glove box. The justification for that law was that drivers should have the opportunity to measure their BAC if they're unsure how high it is. Basically it's a counter to the excuse "But I didn't knew I was that drunk!", because now the answer is "You could have measured your BAC with the kit you have to have in the car!"

Posted by
676 posts

Just read on "The Local" (France edition) indeed you need this starting 1 July, cost is 50euro cents-1 euro. It also said police are being instructed not to fine until 1 November, but if I were you I'd get one...just in case some of those police are overly ambitious! It also says you need a warning triangle and fluorescent safety vest, so if you rent a car make sure those are in there. You should not be expected to buy those, but I can see if rental companies don't supply the BAC analyzer. Starting in November, the fines are horrendously high. I work for the US Army in Germany, and they told us the fines which of course I can't find that e-mail, but they are really high, so nothing to fool around with. There are tables online to guesstimate your BAC based on body weight and amount drunk.

Posted by
87 posts

Is the person renting the car required to furnish the emergency triangle and safety vest? I'm guessing that the car companies don't supply these.

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9371 posts

Anything you are required by law to have (safety vest, etc) will be in your rental car when you get it.

Posted by
893 posts

French law requires you to carry many things in your car. You must have a safety triangle, a reflective vest (for anyone who exits your car and stands alongside it on the road), spare lightbulbs and now a breathalyzer-type kit. The kits are essentially a straw with a plastic bag on the end. You breath into it and an indicator turns a color to let you know whether or not you are above the legal limit (which is much lower than the limit in the US. I limit myself to one drink over 2 hours when I'm driving) The kit is about 1"x4"x1" in size (in other words, really small) They are sold in pharmacies, and are behind the counter so you must ask for one (phonetically it's: un cuntroll de all-cool see-voo-play) and they cost 1-2€. Now you can use the one in your rental car and know how to replace it.