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April Honeymoon in Paris

My fiancee and I are planning our honeymoon and considering Paris the second week of April. I know the weather will most likely be overcast and cool, with a chance of rain, but that doesn't overly concern us. Hey, it's still Paris, right? ;)

We've been looking at apartments for rent at and are unsure which area or arrondissement to consider. I know Rick Steves loves the Rue Cler area (arrondissement 7) but there also seems to be lots to see & do near arrondissement 1, 3 and 4. Anyone have any firsthand suggestions of where they'd suggest basing out of for a week-long honeymoon in Paris?

Thanks so much!

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10344 posts

Kent: There is absolutely no reason to limit your apartment search to the Rue Cler or 7th arr. just because Rick touts it. More important than which arr. is the character of the apartment and the immediate neighborhood it's in--you could find suitable choices in any of the first ten arrondissement (the first ten are the closest to the river).And to other readers, I want to make it crystal clear that the original poster is Kent of Sacramento, not me (Kent of Oregon). I point this out because I might be in trouble with my wife if, in a case of mistaken identity, rumors reached her that I was currently planning a honeymoon in Paris with another woman (although in my own defense I'd like to point out that I did propose to my wife in Paris, on the Isle St Louis side of the Pont St Louis).

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2349 posts

Kents- Oh, I don't know-seems like Sacramento and Oregon are close enough that one Kent could be living a double life. Does that mean double the trips to Europe?

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875 posts

Please check out We stayed in an apt on Rue St. Andre des Arts in April, and the location is just so convenient to so many things (6th arrondissement). They now have 2 apts on this street. We have stayed in other areas before, but this location seemed perfect to us.

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11507 posts

Teh street Janis is talking about is in the 6th ( St Germain) which in my opinion is a nicer area then the the 7th( where Rue Cler is) .. I also like the 5th,, but agree the 4th( Marais) would also be an excellant choice.

I like Rick. I like Ricks books,, BUT, please use his travel philosophy more then his exact recommendations.. find your own "back doors"..

The 1st is dead at night,, but many people( myself included) would consider the 4th, 5th, and 6th, as great arrondissmonts for first timers( who most often like to be in the more central locations).

Many people here also like the 7th,, but just don't limit yourself to it,, even Rick would encourage you to try different areas.

PS Took a RS Family tour this summer, our hotel in Paris was not in the 7th, and my friend book a tour for this June, just got her papers, and her RS tour hotel is also not in 7th, so even RS does other areas..

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2030 posts

I love arrondisements 1 - 6 the best. Of course these are the prime central ones of the city, but right in the middle of all the action. For a honeymoon I think this is where you want to be to experience old, romantic Paris at it's best. I would not recommend the 7th necessarily, but it is OK. Probably better for families and older folks -- there will be lots of American tourists around too, followers of Rick. They are very nice, but why not go for something more exotic? I was in Paris in early April a few years ago and the weather was not that bad. A bit chilly only a little rain -- but you never can count on typical weather patterns these days. I hope you have a great time.

Also including this link to Tom's Guide to Paris, a favorite of posters here. It has lots of good recommendations, and good descriptions of the arrondisments.