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Appenzell alternative?

We are going to be flying into Zurich the Friday before the Landsgemeinde (Sunday) ... just by coincidence. We had planned a long weekend in Switzerland and hoped to be spending Fri/Sat in Appenzell. Due to the democracy in action we are are in a bit of a bind. Hotels are tight and we'll have a 10 m/o baby, plus three nights (what the hotels are asking) there seems like series overkill. Any other good small town recommendations? Gimmelwald is out as I've been twice, and a little two dead town wise. View + cafes + nice walks == what we are after. We will have a car. Plan C would be going to Luzern. Thanks a ton! Peace,

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2921 posts

Hi Tom, I think you are going end of April or beginning of May? I'd go with Plan C. You really don't need a car at all for Plan C. Since you've been to Gimmelwald, my suggestion of Wengen is probably not what you're after that early in spring. We've only been in early October, but loved it there. While we haven't been to these places, we've heard very favorable comments on Konstanz, Meersburg, Bregenz and Lindau. Paul

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16745 posts

How about Ascona? Check out Albergo Antica Posta. Ticino is generally lovely in late April.