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Apartment rental agencies in Paris

Has anyone rented an apartment with Beau-Paris Rentals? We are looking for a small studio for 2,nothing fancy but comfortable, for 5 nights, inexpensive(not more than 85 euros per night) and I have found one through this agency, I hesitate to book as I don't read any feedback about this place. Also they require a safety deposit of 600 euros at the beginning of the rental, to be returned at the end of the rental if all is in good condition.(I feel unsure about this) I'd love to hear from anyone who has had an experience with them.

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852 posts

Hi Colette,
We have not had the pleasure of renting a Paris apartment via VacationInParis, but from all reports there are few, if any, problems. VacationInParis is a USA company with headquarters in New Jersey. Should you want to discuss details, there is a toll-free number (just click on 'contacts'). You could have the key to your cool Paris apartment before you leave Montréal. If nothing else, it's fun just to browse the apartment offerings at their web site.
bon voyage!... p.

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1 posts

Hi Colette,

I don't know this rental agency, but the advance deposit is a common procedure for this type of product.
I highly recommend this site for you: they have video reviews of short term rental apartments, so you can watch it before book it!! for your information, the prices shown are the maximum prices, the longer you stay, the cheaper it is, so do not hesitate to go to the booking form page.

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509 posts

I have rented an apartment from George at I really liked it and he is great to deal with. (I have actually met him since we rent one of his New Orleans apartments nearly every year.) The only downside was that it was in an old building and was a little noisy. This past weekend I was in Paris and rented an apartment through the Relais Bosquet and it was fabulous. I would highly recommend either option. I can give you more info if you like.