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Aosta to Chamonix over the Alps

Thanks in advance! Apparently, I'm a mode of transportation romantic because I'm wondering about crossing back over into France via La Palud to Helbronner Pass, Aiguelles de Midi, Chamonix. I found the fares from the Italian side but I'm not sure I'm reading the durations correctly. And it doesn't seem like there is a pass from one end to the other. You get one way to the Punta then another one way down the French side. And how do I buy/get the passes on both sides and be sure I won't be turned away at the summit? Can I get from, say Turin or Milan to Chamonix or even Annecy, in a day? Or would I need to spend the night in Aosta or close by to make this trip less stressful? Or am I a lunatic to not just take the bus? What's that drive like under the mountain? Thanks again!

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151 posts

We tried to go Chamonix to Aosta in early July a few years back and were turned back due to weather. It was too snowy and icy for the crossing by gondola. What a disappointment. We went all the way to the summit and had to back track and take the train to Milan. (It is possible to do that in a day.) I say go for it. If the weather is clear, it will be great but have a back-up plan.

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10 posts

Thanks, Darby. Couldn't I take the bus under the mountain as a back up since I'm coming from the Italian side? I thought there was a bus that leaves La Palud as part of the round trip they advertise from Chamonix. And just how cold was it at the summit when you went in July? Clare

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976 posts

Hi, as for driving- my son and I drove from Antibes thru Turin to Chamonix in one July day three years ago. You're mostly driving at the bottom of the mountains. We were socked in and could not see the Alps above town the next day. The folowing day was rainy and foggy again not possible to go up. (We drove to Martigny Switzerland for lunch where the weather was beautiful and saw a small Roman ruin.) Drove on to Paris the third day. The long tunnel is easy- but like driving over Lake Pontchatrain bridge, endless- just keep your distance from the car in front.
Ricks guidebook explains this very complicated sightseeing well- check it out as it's hard to explain without the visual.

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10 posts

I am very familiar with Lake Ponchetrain. Pee and gas up before you get on the bridge!