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Anyone traveled to Flims, Switzerland?

My fiancee will attend a conference in Flims in June (grumble, I can't go because of work, grumble, grumble!). Despite being a native Belgian, she has never traveled to Switzerland and has rarely seen the Alps. She is interested in taking a cable care or cogwheel train to a mountain summit, or eating in a mountaintop restaurant similar to Piz Gloria on the Schilthorn. Does anyone know if these options exist in Flims? I asked a similar question a few months ago, and most of the responses I received went along the lines of "You should go to the Berner Oberland"... to which I would say, yes, that would be nice, but the conference is being held in Flims, not in Interlaken, and she does not have enough spare time to visit anywhere else.

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Hi, I have not traveled to Flims but you may want to check out their web sight They do list activities in the area. I hope she has a good trip, it's hard not to in Switzerland.