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Anyone Just Returned From Europe / THANKS

On 6/19 I posted the question above and I have gotten 47 responses. My question was regarding the current value of the dollar vs the Euro. Also stated I had planned and saved for several years to go and had decided not to go because of the dollar value. Just wanted to thank everyone that responded. Over half say go now, don't wait, go, go, go.
Many had just gotten back and others are just getting ready to go. Had a couple also ask what decision I made because of the answers. That is the reason for this post. I have put off my trip until Sept 09 and pray that is the right decision. At 64, my health is still very good, but anything can happen. I want to make sure I do see everything I have planned on this trip. 17 days is the minimum based on my schedule. One post was to cut the trip down but then that involves two trips and double airfare costs. I still plan on saving everywhere possible with picnics, B&B's, hostels,etc. The loss of the additional .30 cents on the dollar this year just does not fit my budget for a trip now. Maybe, by 09 I can find a travel partner willing to do 17 days in France, Belgium, & Germany which will help cost considerably. Normandy is a minimum of 3 days for me as that is so fascinating to me. Bastogne is a must as my dad spent a very cold December and January there while I was all warm and snug in my crib.

Thanks again to everyone who responded to my post and wish all of you the best travel experiences possible.
Everyone should thank Rick Steves for such a wonderful place to find help for any travel question possible.

Posted by
6929 posts

"Maybe, by 09 I can find a travel partner willing to do 17 days in France, Belgium, & Germany which will help cost considerably."

Sounds like a nice trip, but I can't go in September :(.

Germany - especially rural Germany - can be very reasonable. This June I averaged under 20 Euros/night for single B&B rooms in the Black Forest and Mosel regions, so maybe you could even do this without me (or a travel partner) if necessary.

Best wishes,

Posted by
1455 posts

Tony, on a positive note, the dollar may get stronger by the time you wish to go.

I was the one who posted you must go asap. I was in London last October, and last week just came back from a 10 day trip to London/ Paris. I am already planning my next trip... Spain, perhaps?

As soon as you start putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) you will see your trip literally come alive.

Here's to 2009 and to a great trip!

Posted by
2030 posts

Tony, try to find someone to travel with and share some of the costs. This is what I am doing with a trip to Italy I'm planning for late 2009 -- it's not that far away. In the meantime, save all you can, and I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip.

Posted by
49 posts

Well, along with your thanks to everyone, I propose a toast... to better dollar values in September '09! (Because that's when I'm planning for as well!)