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Anyone been to Keukenhof in the last week or so?

My husband and I have an opportunity to go to Keukenhof Gardens in The Netherlands this weekend (May 8th). Last year we went in late March and it was too early. This year we should have gone in April but "things" got in the way. We would like to go this coming weekend but if the garden is long past it's prime, we can just go somewhere else instead. We're in Germany so it's not that far but why travel 5+ hours each way if there isn't much to see. We'll just wait and go next year - in April!

If anyone has been there recently and can comment on how the tulips look I would really appreciate it.

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May of last year I attended during the last week. There was plenty to see, lots of stuff in bloom, nothing fact they were busy planting new stuff in the ground:)

Turns out, Keukenhof is maintained year round. In addition to the public show from March to May. There are various trade shows the rest of the year, so there's always flowers being planted and harvested.