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Anybody want to go to Paris bringing dog?

I figure if I can find 40 people who would like to fly to Paris from New York with their dogs in the cabin out-of-crate I could charter a plane for such to the tune of $2,000 each person. Any interest out there? (Not entirely sure of my calculation.)

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16096 posts

True, Michael, but on that size corporate jet....there is no flight attendant, the cabin height is just under 5 feet, and it doesn't have a range to fly non-stop from Tel Aviv to Paris.

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2193 posts

Well, then it probably can’t get from NYC to Paris. Perhaps the Gulfstream IV would be a better option. I’m not sure if there are any budget constraints here with the original poster, but I’ve flown on a company G4 and can guarantee a fantastic flight for the pooch. It will exceed all of his doggy expectations.

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8 posts

As I say, not sure of my calculation, but I figured round-trip.

Posted by
10344 posts

Does your dog get a vote in this?

Bow wow, woof woof, arf arf

That's your dog telling you: "Mom, you go ahead and have a fun time in Paris. With some of the money you save, have some nice person take care of me at home."

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2193 posts

How much for a cat? If allowed on this flight, can the cats ride up in first class?

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10344 posts

Michael's question: How much for a cat? If allowed on this flight, can the cats ride up in first class?

Michael's question brings up racial or specie-al issues between feline and canine passengers.

Let's see, if the pilots are dogs, then the answer will be...

Reminds me of the banner that just went up on a neighborhood "Dogge Wash" business, the banner says, "Cats Welcome!!"but the thought has occurred to me, I wonder how welcome a cat will really feel, being brought there for his bath.

Posted by
416 posts

For Michael, look for the book The Cat and the Curmudgeon. The author traveled very frequently to Paris with his cat. Fun read.

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2193 posts

Perhaps I’ll look for a copy at the library. I just thought of something...what if the pilots are the cats…what then? Plus, what about all of the other kinds of pets? Can they go, too? Why are we shooting so low as to offer a simple, run-of-the-mill flight for our pets anyway? Why not kick it up a notch and get a few spaces reserved on Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic? For only $200K per pet, they can float around in microgravity for 5 whole minutes.

Posted by
16096 posts

Lucy, you still have to get to New York...and no U.S. airline will fly your dog in the cabin without a crate.

And there is no way that $80,000 is round trip.

Posted by
2349 posts

Now, I love dogs, and I love to see them at play. But 40 dogs out of their crates in an airborne cabin? A dog park in the sky? Hope they're all spayed/neutered, or they'll be working on the Mile High Club.

Posted by
10344 posts

"or they'll be working on the Mile High Club."

Okay, let's try to get a visual in your mind of that! (above line)

At least it would give the 4-legged animals something to do during the interminable flight. We poor 2-legged animals haven't much else to do except pretend we can sleep sitting up.

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2193 posts

It might give a whole new meaning to separation anxiety…or lack of separation…or whatever. And, it’s got to be better than the in flight movie. Hey, I might be onto something with separation anxiety as a driver behind Lucy’s posts.

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16096 posts

Let's be nice....after all what Lucy wants to do is not unique. However, I wonder if she would take it this far:

Dog Flies Business Class for $32,000

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2193 posts

Unbelievable! Didn’t we learn over on the other thread that the small corporate jet was a mere $5000 per hour, a savings of $3000 per hour if used in lieu of El Al commercial?

Posted by
9436 posts

"Dog Flies Business Class for $32,000"...Evidence that some people have too much money.

Posted by
8 posts

You can Google yourself. was mentioned. My interest began with I see there's also a and

Posted by
26 posts

Hello, I was leaving Frankfurt last June, a couple with two cats were boring a plane. Small animals that can be stored under the seat in front, are free, they ride as "carry on". The expense comes in when the pet can not fit under the seat and must be considered as "checked" baggage. I've also been in first class with a small white dog, no big deal, it slept the whole way. Good luck to all, Joanne

Posted by
193 posts

Can I just send my dog? We need some time away from each other.

Posted by
2349 posts

Joanne, from your post "a couple with two cats were boring a plane." What were they doing-telling cat stories?

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2092 posts

Since when have pets traveled free in the cabin? Northwest charges $100 each way.

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2193 posts

$100 isn’t too bad. El Al charges $32,000 for crying out loud.