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anybody love zurich?

I have never looked at Zurich but a friend wants me to consider traveling there with the kids.

What is it like? We love historical sites and museums - your recommendations?

I know I can get Rick's book - and I will - but right now I am just wondering if I even want to consider it.

If you like/love Zurich and have some interesting "must-dos" there, would you please share them.

I am traveling with four kids but they are all travel warriors, really LOVE history & museums, and discovering old cities. We are not a kiddie-museum family - we like the real thing.

Thanks, Cecily

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12040 posts

Zurich is one of those innumerable European cities that most tourists avoid because it lacks many world-class sights or museums. However, like many other similar cities, it is a very pleasant (if expensive) place to simply enjoy being there. Clean, well-maintained, well-organized, good restaurants, attractive if not ancient buildings, pedestrian friendly streets (different story if you're unfortunate enough to drive through!). There's at least two impressive churches, the Fraumunster and the Grossmunster. I know of one art museum, the Kunsthaus. Overall, Zurich isn't the type of place that I would travel halfway across the world just to visit as a sight-seer, but a city that I have very much enjoyed while passing through and on official business.

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143 posts


Thank you for your very helpful reply.


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9109 posts

Zurich is a beautiful city, and is considered one of the most "livable" cities in the world. But in terms of tourist attractions, it won't take you more than a day to get through them. It's top attraction would it's large world class Zoo, which I'm sure your kid would love. If your friend is offering your family free lodging, then by all means go for it. There are a countless amount day trips you can take from Zurich via train.

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264 posts

I always use the word functional to describe Zurich. It is the type of place I would like to live. Clean, well placed, lots of dining and shopping. There are probably some good equivalents stateside. At least for me it does not pop though with things that make you want to come visit given the other things in Switzerland.

We really did enjoy the Fraumunster and seeing the Chagall stained glass.

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154 posts

I really enjoyed the old town. The shops, dining and museums were great. Take the tour first and then decide where you want to go back too.

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73 posts

What I love most about Zurich is that is doesn't seem to cater to tourists as much as other cities, yet it is efficient and has anything one might need to live comfortably. I would second the sites everyone else wrote about. We often take boat rides down the river. Renting bikes is simple and I believe is still free. I am wondering if you know people there and have a place to stay? That would be another bonus.

The Swiss National Museum seems to be something your family would enjoy.

I also find Zurich to be quite central in terms of doing day trips.