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Any Suggestions on an Itinerary?

Hi All- My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Europe in April of 09. We know we want to do about 2 weeks. We want to do maybe 2 0r 3 countries. We are thinking about Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Lisbon/Algarve. Or we are thinking Northern France and Belgium/Netherlands. Both have great options. My bf really enjoyed Germany when we were there. And I love Spain. Anyone have any suggestions, so we can stop the debate and start the planning. Thanks-Kim

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9363 posts

Kim, you'll find lots of tips for getting started planning an itinerary in the General Europe part of this helpline. Scroll down and you'll find a topic called Itinerary Planning Tips (Especially for First Timers). There is a lot of information here from helpline participants that can help you in making your decisions or knowing what questions to ask.

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4132 posts

I don't know how to stop the debate--it boils down to a matter of personal taste. On isn't objectively "better" than the other.

Northern France + Benelux is more compact and flatter and in other ways simpler to get around, if that matters. Iberia will be warmer that time of year, if that does.

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25 posts

i would go back to madrid and seville in a heartbeat! great food! great wine! not as pricey as most of europe. have fun!