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It SOUNDS like something familiar and potentially adorable.

Who doesn't like mini weenies?

They LOOK like something familiar,... perhaps a delicate Weisswurst or other such "Frankfurt?"

Wrong on both counts!!

Yes it's true. The guy who fancies himself a picnic master, asked not once, but twice, for colon stuffed intestine casings, a.k.a. "Andouillette", to be served to him.

Good, Southern Chitterlings have have joined the ranks of "Ice on Demand,"
as to reasons why the USA is the envy of the world!

Posted by
8293 posts

I love andouillettes and have them whenever I am in France. We can get them here in Montreal, too. One of the reasons why Paris & Montreal are the envy of the world.

Posted by
552 posts

Care to share the recipe for this big-city version that you're defending?

Because seriously, out in the country, these petulant pouches of purulence
embraced a "rainy day at the track" aroma that was way too intense for even the most adventurous of the eaters I'm acquainted with.

No offense, Norma, but I was really amazed at how "particle-filled" the inside of each ringlet seemed to be.

Posted by
8293 posts

I have no recipe for them. I admit they are not to everyone's taste but I happen to enjoy them, from time to time. Good Night.

Posted by
12040 posts

I love Canjun Andouille, so I naturally assumed when I ordered it in Chenonceau that an Andouillette would be something similar. How wrong I was! Bill, I share your revulsion. My andouillette experience is one of the few in France (and all of Europe) when I could not finish the meal.

Posted by
2030 posts

My sister ordered what the waitress said was "sausage" and got them too. She was not impressed, to put it mildly -- but you see them everwhere on menus in Paris. Beware!