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Andalucia for 1 week - Itinerary suggestions, please!

Hi everyone! A friend and I are visiting Spain for the first time in the middle of May. We will be based out of Marbella (staying in a time-share). Here are my thoughts about an itinerary, but please feel free to add suggestions as nothing is set in stone!

Monday - arrive Malaga rent a car, drive to Marbella and sight-see there for the first day.
Tuesday - Go to Granada (Alhambra)Not sure yet whether to drive or take the bus
Wednesday - See Ronda
Thursday - Go to Gibraltar
Friday and Saturday - Overnight trip to Seville

We leave to fly back home on Sunday.

What do you think? Is it too much? This is a once in a lifetime trip for us so we want to see as much as possible. We are from Florida, so lying on the beach doesn't hold much excitement for us. Please give comments and if there is something that you think would be more exciting for us to see, please let me know. Also, if my itinerary order is a bit screwy, tell me what order would work better.

Thanks for your assistance for a very new and naive traveler!


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4555 posts

Lori; most of it sounds good to me. I would suggest that, if you aren't familiar with Granada, take one of the bus tours that your resort will offer to the Alhambra. Check and make sure, but they should provide tickets as part of the package, saving you from having to book those separately. However, if you are leaving for home from Malaga, you won't have enough time for an overnighter in Sevilla. Might I suggest combining your trip to Ronda with your overnighter in Sevilla? You can be in Ronda in about 90 minutes from Marbella (caution; it's a very windey road) on Wednesday morning, then you can head to Sevilla (about 2 1/2 hrs) for the evening and all day Thurs (2 nites). Then head for Gibraltar for a day trip(not really worth more) on Friday morning (say 3 hours for the drive), then back to Marbella (about an hour; take the "autopista" toll road to make good time.) That'll give you Saturday to lie on the beach and relax before heading home Sunday. PM me for some parking ideas, etc.

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15 posts

Thank you so much, Norm for your input. You are always so helpful! I'll talk to my traveling companions to see if all of this is agreeable.